First Hackathon on digital logistics takes place in Vilnius
Prepared and sponsored by the Project: “eCMR in ND region”, Project ID: NDPTL Project 001-2021
Transport sector has a direct impact to economic growth and stability thus causing a substantial effect on climate change. It might sound odd but the sector has a big potential to decrease the pollution by innovating and promoting green solutions. There is a number of means that lead towards climate neutral transportation alongside to electrification, digital transformations that can make a huge impact in decreasing emissions by shortening empty millage, turning transport logistic chains more efficiently as well as avoiding paper documents.
Having said that, there are much more details worth to mention. For instance, every heavy vehicle crossing border has to stop and fulfil documents, where tons of paper are being used cutting huge amount of forest for that matter. The heavy vehicle with the need to make a number of stops pollutes the environment more than moving efficiently. Applying digital solutions, the number of paper documents decreases as well as timber demand, goods are transported in a more smooth and less damaging the environment, man power is optimised, real time data can be traced by clients.
To fasten digitisation processes, Transport Innovation Association together with international partners organises the first hackathon dedicated to deliver the ideas and MVPs, identify problems and propose solutions in applying digital transformation within international transport logistic chains focusing to improve the efficiency in freight logistics in the Baltic Sea Region. The „DigiLogistics Hack“, which takes place on the 24-26th March, will be one of the milestones on the roadmap to prepare to implement the upcoming EU Freight Electronic Ticket Regulation (eFTI). The main challenges will focus on eCMR and eFTI interoperability, digital solutions for intermodal shipments and solutions, cross border digital solutions, and CO2 reduction calculation methodology.
The „eCMR in ND Region“ Project partners agree that this Hackathon will contribute to the creation of smooth and competitive North-South eCorridor establishment. All the partners that have signed the joint Memorandum of Understanding in June 2022 and are true members of the Consortium “Ready4eFTI” ( will contribute to the Hackathon by mentoring and coaching the teams. Companies from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuanian and other countries have already showed high interest and registered their teams.
According to Ms. Eva Killar representing Estonian Ministry of Economics Affairs and Communications, Estonian Government is working hard towards digitalisation and thanks to the X-Road approach many services are already available in digital form, nevertheless logistics sector is still lacking behind. „We have been testing the e-waybill services quite successfully in recent years but it takes time for businesses and end users to see the real benefits. One of the reasons behind is that there is no fully developed governmental regulatory framework in place and also it is difficult to share information between businesses data to the different standards and systems“, – says Ms. Killar.
„Even though Finland has a reputation for being a country where people trust authorities, neighbours and companies, and a lot of data is already openly shared, supply chain data sharing is still largely missing and thus the benefits of business-to-business-to-authority transparency haven not been reached“, – supports the before said ideas one of the Hackathon’s mentor from Finland Mr. Matti Lankinen, who heads a company providing innovative digital logistics services Vediafi. According to Mr. Lankinen, hackathons provide platforms to collaborate between mentors, industry contacts and professionals from diverse skillsets.
Ms. Asta Kazlauskienė, Head of Transport Innovation Association, highlights the importance of learning from each other and apply the new skills into practice. In this regard, “DigiLogistics Masterclass” will be organized just before the start of the Hackathon. This will be an open event dedicated to deepen the knowledge of legal set up of digitization by UN and EU institutions followed by the practice and expertise sharing of private companies which already offer services within transport logistics chains. The initiative to organize Masterclasses will roll out to other Baltic Sea Region countries by the end of this year.
The DigiLogistics Hackathon is organized by Transport Innovation Association, empowered by the Project “eCMR in ND Region” as well as EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The event is highly supported by the Consortium “Ready4eFTI”. The strength and the leadership of this digital transformation lies in strong regional cooperation between the partners which seek to innovate not as a separate entity but as the sustainable Baltic Sea Region.
The DigiLogistics Hackathon and Masterclass is contributed by: CaaS Nordic, Digilogistika Keskus, Single Window Initiative, LIKTA, Normalis Tech, KIGEiT.
The main sponsor: CargoGO
Wishing to become a Mentor, Speaker, register your team or become a sponsor reach out to
For more information please follow the links:
Hackathon – Transporto inovacijų asociacija TIA. (